
Quarter Life Crisis?

Am I living it right?
Why, why Georgia, why?

I rent a room and I fill the spaces with
Wood in places to make it feel like home
But all I feel's alone
It might be a quarter life crisis

Or just the stirring in my soul.

Quarter Life Crisis?

Why Georgia- John Mayer.
I had never pondered upon the lyrics until today.

What was it? Then like an inquisitive mouse, I Google-d the meaning. The first thing that popped up was a definition from Wikipedia. The quarter-life crisis occurs shortly after a young person enters the "real world”. Woah. I thought to myself. Was I in a quarter-life crisis? I remember someone telling me that I had an Identity crisis. I bet he had it too! Well everyone does at one point of time! No one is perfect. Yes, going back to the quarter life crisis, I looked up on the internet for more information;

• Q: What is a quarter life crisis?
• A: The quarter life crisis, or QLC, is essentially a period of anxiety, uncertainty and inner turmoil that often accompanies the transition to adulthood.

Then it got me thinking. I am weird these days. Is it the phase when I am away from home and I am almost crazy? No, I have used that excuse for too long now. Is it because I don’t socialize much? Might be. I loved meeting new people and I was someone everybody would remember because I had a very quick rapport with even people I know for a few minutes. I have stopped doing that. I am a lazy person who tries to hide her face or just turn away when being introduced to someone new. I go to college JUST for the attendance. I sit in the first row of the class just so I don’t have to get involved in the talks with friends behind me. I take off as soon as it’s time to go home. I have said NO to going out with friends, giving one reason or the other. But strangely enough, they understand. Well, the closest one understands. What is it? My love life sucks. Because I am too self absorbed. I go online on Facebook to talk to people and whenever someone pops up a Hi, I appear offline. My mobile is switched off most of the time and I don’t like talking to anybody. I found a camera in my luggage last week which was forgotten because it doesn’t function well. But hey, it can still take pictures and the Auto timer works! So all I do basically is take pictures!

Could this be a Quarter life crisis?

After having written exactly 456 words, I think the idea of a Life crisis is not so true. And it is a psychological thing. I had heard somewhere that writing helps. Well never thought it would this quick and in a weird way. I deleted a few- well more than a few- sentences from the paragraph above and I got into a point where I wrote something that totally took my breath away. There are some things that I have completely forgotten about myself.

I am no saint to be suggesting you to do this but, you should. Not because you are happy or your life is perfect or the other way round, write for yourself. Write what YOU feel. And when you start, the words will just start pouring. And there is a point that you are touching the core of your real presence.

And this was a stirring in my soul at last!
Just like me, I bet so many of you have had the same thing happen in your life. So the big mountain was a oversized Hersheys Kisses afterall!:)

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