
Adios Facebook!

I am out of Facebook for 3 weeks straight today.  

I actually feel proud to state that! Coming from someone who spent almost 4-5 hours (or more sometimes) on Facebook uselessly stalking people, it is an achievement! When I deactivated it, I thought that it would just be for a few days and I couldn’t stop myself from using it. My phone vibrated every time there was a notification and there again my battery died early. I came home from college and sat on my bed, and stayed in the same position staring at my Laptop up until I went to sleep. No home-works, no food, no life to be precise!

The decision that I took with a heavy heart has done wonders! I spend time cooking, playing the guitar and I have yet again started reading novels! And, I do all my assignments from College in time! Also, I update my blog more often! So its something good that happened! And strangely enough, I am happy and I don't miss Facebook as much! Not that I would never get back on Facebook ever again but I will after some time!

Till then it is Goodbye Facebook! =]

 And just as I was done writing this, I looked up on Google for some pictures for the article and it made me laugh for a while to find out that there is a disorder called, Facebook Addiction Disorder. Wow, so this thing happens for real! And there are help groups for the same! Jeez! I was not THAT addicted as I think of it now! But on the second thought, life without it is certainly better! =]

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