Not because I’m lonely and miserable but I want a hug- just for the heck of it.
Hugs are like the spring rain in the forest- comforting people, making them happy, turning teary goodbyes into promises to meet soon. I was talking to a friend about hugs a few days back. It was then I realized- I have never been hugged- or I just don’t remember them. A few taps on the back, a small hand gesture- well they are not hugs are they? Neither with lovers nor friends. Not that I stink and no one comes near me- well I hope not.
Right now, as I am living alone in this empty flat with literally no human contact for the past two days, I want love. I want someone to stand up and tell me, “Ey! Yes you, stop being miserable and get up for a big warm hug.” Maybe because right now I am emotionally unstable, I haven’t cooked in days or mopped my floor, been letting the mosquitoes suck into my blood, I stare at the colorful wires springing out of the unkempt bulbs. Well for all these reasons and more, I want a hug.
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