the best available Pizza in Kathmandu, Roadhouse Café is somewhere that is in
your must-visits list! Spread out in three different outlets- Thamel, Pulchowk
and Bhatbhateni has the crowd- and most importantly, the food!
successively since the year 1996, over a decade and its never been this popular
not only amongst Foreigners but also among the Local crowd. The bill might burn
holes into some pockets but since the food is worth the expenses, it is always
crowded. Almost all of the three outlets are located in or around the main
road. The interior is warm and welcoming and all the while your cheese is
melting in the oven, you will be busy pondering around the interiors or using
the free wi-fi service they provide. Not to forget the great taste of music
they have,-all the outlets. I wish I could just run away with their chef and
the playlist. But of course leaving behind the sinful thoughts, the restaurant
has Take away service and a phone call a while ago will keep your seat

it a sunny day or a Rainy day, Roadhouse Café has and always will feed your
appetite for the best Pizzas and Italian cuisines- made outside Italy. Along
with the B&K Ice cream! And trust me, this is no exaggeration. Go there to know it for yourself! =)
Photo source:
Just writing about it because I miss PIZZAS!
Although, I love the Indian Pizzas, i.e. Dosas! :)
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