
Confessions of a Facebook- holic.

If you are one of those people who just skim the first few lines and flip the page, hang on to this one. I assure you are going to like this write- up!

June 2008, that was the month the mysterious webpage, the facebook took over my life. After being an incessant user of Hi5, getting adapted to Facebook was quite of a hassle. However, it was not that late that I actually started eating, drinking and breathing facebook. Adding album after albums of pictures, writing on people’s walls and the best part of it; stalking other people- it was all so good! It’s not that I am a stalker but everyone enjoys poking one’s nose into other’s lives once in a while!

For a person who needed to be on facebook 24/7 having a sibling with whom you had to share the computer was a curse. Fights after fights took place. Load shedding made matter worse as my sister and I had an argument as to who would get to use the computer first once the lights were back. Again there would be arguments on to make each other friend on facebook or not. And if we were friends, swearing on each other not to spill any beans about facebook activities to our mother.

Going deeper to that thought, I made a new facebook exclusively for the family members. I named it after my pet name at home and added all my family members, uploaded the same pictures in both the facebook-s and had time for BOTH of them every day. You might think I am crazy. But trust me, it was fun. Many people who are reading this might not have family on facebook and you are probably blocking them or having them on your wait list. I don’t have to do that! I stalk them and get to know what they are doing everyday!

So getting back to my facebook craze- Just as much as I loved stalking, I loved uploading pictures of everything- friend’s birthday, gathering at house, prank played on a friend, another prank played on the same friend, crocodile’s tail and what not. I remember one of my closest friends telling me that I am a mad woman because I had 53 photo albums. I repeat 53 Photo albums on facebook. Of what? Well, as I told you earlier, of everything! Again, under this topic, I had numerous fights with my sister as to who would upload what pictures!

I am a self-proclaimed patient of ADD (Attention Deflect Disorder) which means, I can’t do without constant attention. That made me very conscious about my profile picture. Changing it often, trying to make it just more than perfect. Sulking if I didn’t get more hits. Similar thing happened with my facebook status-es. Writing something different just to get attention from people! I know by now, you think I am a crazy person, but this is actually true and as I look back to it now, it makes me shudder and laugh at loud at the same time.

There was a time when I got GPRS service on my father’s phone and surfed facebook throughout the night. If there was nothing to do, I would just keep on refreshing the page minute after minute expecting a new newsfeed to keep me busy for a while. I facebook-ed even during my classes, hiding mobile phone under the school desks in fear of the teacher catching me red handed. Well, it was not long that my father asked me to get the GPRS service on my mobile itself which was depressing. Why? Because my balance dropped down as soon as I recharged it!

Time passed by and the friend requests and the pokes came in like anything. Yes, with time, I matured. I started working. And the office rules got me out of this horrendous addiction. Even though I cursed the rules at first, now I am thankful to it! I no more spend all my money on recharge cards and time on facebook. I still stalk people but I have stopped refreshing page after page just to get fresh newsfeed I still have 147 friend requests pending and 73 poked waiting to be poked back. But instead of poking some total stranger, I now spend my quality time teasing my grandfather on marrying me off which is just so much entertaining and fun than facebook!

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