Today, I noticed something interesting. This door- right outside Kumari Ghar, Basantapur is a busy place. Thronged by tourists and locals alike, this place also witnesses many candle marches and silent protests. With interest in photography, I always make sure that events and instances are documented through photos.
So, getting to the point- I took a photo of this door two years ago. Then, the message scribbled over it was, 'Will Nepal survive?' It was a very good question I asked myself. Will Nepal survive all that it was going through? Would Nepal survive from the Political instability, war amidst the citizens, selfishness setting in?
Today it revolved around a similar line- murders, politics and names of a few districts with numbers next to it. This was an aggressive form of expression. People dying - probably the numbers next to the names of the districts signified so - never ending cycle of political parties and the making of the country. It exploded like a silent bomb inside me. What is happening? We are all so busy with our private jobs chasing after our selfish goals, the idea of unity is long lost.
I have a billion questions to ask. Questions that do not have concrete answers. But it is interesting to see how this door has acted as a form of expression. Silently.